for the sake of curiosity...
learn all the lyrics to 5 songs in Spanish (0/5)
read El Colegio y La Escuela
learn and memorize a song on the piano
memorize a poem
visit Cuba
renew my passport
go camping (minimum 2 nights)
be able to identify 100% of countries on a blank map
read the Economist every week for a year
attend weekly service at a religious community one month
learn basic Kreyol
learn to drive a stickshift
write a short story
visit Haiti
learn calculus
learn excel
continue my formal education
read Guns, Germs and Steel
for my health...
for two weeks, eat only when i'm hungry
no dairy for a month
spend at least two months on either the Appalachian Trail or WWOOFing
join another CSA
run a 5K in under 26 minutes
bring my own bag when i shop (0/50)
get accupuncture
go for a walk every day for a month
fast for 72 hours
get a Marine fitness score of 120 for my age and sex
20 minutes of yoga every day for a month
meet with a personal trainer
for my happiness....
don't criticize anything or anyone for two weeks
fill up the rest of my journal
attend a play or musical
take a risk in love
ride the bike or sell the bike
perfect a dish
join a "tea of the month" club
for those I love...
watch a classic movie with Mom and Dad
donate $ to a friend's cause
do something useful with my language skills
send someone a care package
send 20 postcards
get stuff out of my folks house and/or organize the stuff that remains
do a 1000 piece puzzle with mom
go to one of Sarah's yoga classes
play a round of golf with Dad
see two of my former Eagle Rock students
attend my 10 year high school reunion
take a trip with Jacob
do something really nice for Mirella
visit Cacique 5x
host a dinner party
learn to cook 3 of Mirella's dishes
visit Minnesota
find and fund a project in El Cacique
write Grandma Marvel once a month for a year (0/12)
run a race with Lis
meet my Mexican family
for my growth...
answer the "50 questions that will free your mind"
write a POL packet
grow something
perform publicly
for my responsible side...
organize and overhaul my miserable music collection
clean out my inbox (0/5)
pay off my car
write a letter to my senator
for the hell of it...
a midnight New Years kiss
buy a lottery ticket
leave 100% tip
apply for one thing that seems unrealistic